i-Pharma Master
complete analytics of your pharmacy operations
Expiry Management

Ensure zero expiry loss by compelling shorter expiry medicines sale.

Procure Right Stock

Purchase according to previous sale insights and procure recommended quanitites.

Related Products Sale

Handles purchase and sale of baby products, cosmetics, surgicals & other related products.

Single Click Purchase Import

Expiry Notifications

Min Qty Stock Alert

Batch wise control

Easy Pharmacy Operations

Take complete control on your pharmacy operations starting from purchase till the product lifecycle finishes. Purchase based on previous sale data for avoiding stock ageing. Get alerts on expiry of medicine batches and stock alerts for ensuring smart purchase. Improve sales by purchasing what is needed for your pharmacy - top selling & non selling medicines and short expiry medicines. Categorization of drugs is simpler according to their medicine branch, age type, drug type and other relevant categories.

Medical Shops
Pharma Distributors
Happy Chemists
Optimized Business Performance of Your Pharmacy
Our system performs alternate medicine search and suggest accurate substitute medicine after analysing chemical composition. Substitute drugs recommeded is the reliable option for a customer in search of a cheaper medicine.
Ready to use database integrated with 80,000 medicines and 25,000 related products is available for immediate use. Also one click purchase import from predefined excel format is possible for quicker stock updation.
Instant alerts and notifications on purchase credit, sale credit, zero stock, min qty reach, expiry alert, fast moving medicines & products, non moving medicines & products etc is available for taking business optimization decisions.
Drug Categorization

Categorization of drugs according to their medicine branch, age type, drug type and other relevant categories.

CRM & Loyalty

Analyse purchase intervals of customers buying regular medicines and alert them via SMS to retain them.

Dashboard Visualization

Know and access all business summary and operational status visualized in a single screen.

Expense Management

Analyse all expenses related to your business and understand how to reduce operational expenses.

Batchwise Analysis

Easy tracking of medicines according to their batch is possible right from purchase till sale happens.

Stock Adjustment

Stock adjustment enables correction to live stock based on manual physical stock checking.

Automatic Unit Conversion

Purchase entry in bulk unit and sale in smaller units is handled easilyby the automatic unit conversion feature.

Barcode Compatible

Products can be integrated with barcodes for easy purchase and billing entries.

Businesses that trade pharmaceutical goods deserves i-Pharma Master Software as it aligns all complex operations.
ensure profit from every purchases

Effective Reorders for Profitable Purchases

Get smart recommendations on what to purchase next based on minimum and maximum quantity set on each medicine and based on sale data of particular medicines over a period of time. Raise Purchase Orders automatically after analysing previous purchase & sales insights and reduce human effort in physical stock taking and reorder generation. Get approval for Purchase Orders and invoice them and perform stock updation with utmost easiness.

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NRX Medicine Notification

Indication of NRX medicines is displayed while billing and this helps to check with customer for valid prescription of a doctor.


Dummy Billing

Enables billing of medicines without purchase entry in emergency situations and can be converted to normal sale bills easily.


Session Management

Entire details of every sessions can be accessed including user, start time, end time, opening balance, closing balnace, denominations.


Customer Purchase Trends

Analyze purchase frequency of customers and direct consistent traffic to store by alerting through SMS or emails.

we value every customer experiences

we are growing as the best brand from our customer references. Success stories of our customers are delighting for our growth as our software is the automated partner of their business.

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Counter Management

Consolidated data from multiple counters can be monitored for counter performance analysis inside the store.


User Analysis

Effective analysis of user performance is possible by analysing day to day store operations performed by employees.


Barcode Management

Barcode generation, printing and reading is possible for quick purchase entry and billing of healthcare products.


Multi Printer Support

Multiple printer hardwares are compatible and also supports multiple print formats like A4, A5, Thermal, Dotmatrix etc.

Sharpen Focus

Effortless Pharma Management Software solution for monitoring entire business operations like expiry tracking, batch wise inventory control, purchase, billing, stock, transactions, accounts.